Supersismabonus 110% Demolition and reconstruction: without cladding with POROTON eco

An opportunity for building redevelopment with safe and performing materials.

With the building demolition and reconstruction, the Relaunch Decree and the Simplification Decree have favoured the development of urban regeneration processes with the highest standards of energy efficiency, seismic safety and environmental sustainability of buildings. Objectives that are difficult to achieve with the usual redevelopment and improvement interventions of the existing building. In this process, building materials certainly play an important role since they must ensure even more restrictive requirements, imposed by the relative legislation, compared to the normal ones of current construction. Requirements ranging from those for energy containment, to mechanical strength for load-bearing masonry constructions in seismic areas, to those for acoustic insulation, for fire resistance up to environmental sustainability.

The POROTON eco family of ScianaticoLaterizi, with the three POROTON eco MVI, POROTON eco PS and POROTON eco P lines, it allows you to identify the right product to take advantage of the benefits of the Relaunch Decree and access to the Supersismabonus 110%

POROTON Eco MVI blocks

They provide, without resorting to the “coating”, transmittance values that are much lower than the limit values indicated by the MISE Decree 08/06/2020 (Annex E, Tab 1- Perimeter wall insulation), and guarantee the absence of condensation, acoustic comfort and fire resistant

POROTON Eco PS blocks

For load-bearing masonry in seismic areas, they have high mechanical resistance which allows the construction of safe buildings. They also provide equally high values of thermal inertia, absence of condensation, acoustic comfort and fire resistance.

POROTON Eco P blocks

For healthy and tipping-stable partitions and partitions.

The whole family of POROTON eco blocks comply with the sustainability criteria established by the Italian Ministerial Decree 23/06/2022 on Minimum Environmental Criteria (M.E.C.)

The blocks, as the matter of the fact, fully comply with these Criteria because:

They offer a good Energy Performance (insulation and thermal inertia)

They have chemical-physical stability and do not contain dangerous substances

They do not emit dangerous substances both during installation and during the management of the property

They guarantee acoustic comfort

They guarantee hygrometric comfort (absence of condensation)

They guarantee a very long “end of life” (for the LCA cycle)

They have a content of recovered/recycled materials greater than 15% of the product weight

Ultimately, the blocks of the POROTON eco family represent the ideal solution for demolition and reconstruction works by exploiting the advantages of the Superbonus 110%, with their use it is easy to construct nZEB buildings.


The drafting of the A.P.E. for existing buildings, demanded by regulations, requires very often the knowledge of the technical characteristics of the products found on the construction site. Scianatico Laterizi makes available to its customers the tables of the catalogs of materials present on the market in the past:

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