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SCIANATICO LATERIZI has extensive experience in the production of brick-beton floors and currently represents the point of reference in the sector being the only Italian company to guarantee the production of both components (brick blocks and prestressed reinforced concrete beams), within its own ILA  Laterizi factories in Matera. With the Celersystem, it offers integrated solutions that include component coordination, consultancy, and technical services, including assembly diagrams, in full compliance with all structural and performance regulations.

Blocks for Floor

The Floor Block line offers fully compliant elements, in terms of characteristics, shape and mechanical resistance, all the requirements of the Technical Standards (NTC/2018) regarding points C4.; C4.; C4., of Circular no. 7/2019, guaranteeing resistance to both vertical and horizontal (seismic) loads and the achievement of “rigidity in the plane”.

The line of Floor Blocks includes:

BIC blocks

For floor with beams and blocks, (according to the CELERSYSTEM system), also compliant with the UNI EN 15037-1-3 Harmonized Standard.

The raw material for floor blocks is extracted adjacent to the production plant.

All SCIANATICO LATERIZI floor blocks BIC are CE marked according to the UNI EN 15037-3 Harmonized Standard, with Mechanical Resistance of Class R1, with Attestation System 2+.

All floor products are characterized by a recovered/recycled content greater than 15% in compliance with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (C.A.M).


Por common floors to be cast in situ compliant with the requirements of NTC/2018 and with those referred to in Circular no. 7/2019, points C4.; C4.; C4.

The raw material for floor blocks is extracted adjacent to the production plant.

All SCIANATICO LATERIZI floor blocks EXCELSIOR are CE marked according to the UNI EN 15037-3 Harmonized Standard, with Mechanical Resistance of Class R1, with Attestation System 2+.

All floor products are characterized by a recovered/recycled content greater than 15% in compliance with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (C.A.M).



The line of structural beams in prestressed reinforced concrete, with high resistance, made up of adherent reinforcement elements, includes two types:

> Beams in prestressed reinforced concrete 9x12 for floors of normal capacity.
> Beams in prestressed reinforced concrete 14x17 for floors with higher capacities.

Celersap beams are produced according to UNI EN 15037-1 and CE marked with 2+ control system. The entire line of CELERSAP joists is characterized by a recovered/recycled content greater than 5% in compliance with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (C.A.M.).

CELERSAP beams are produced according to UNI EN 15037-1 and CE marked with 2+ control system.

The entire line of CELERSAP joists is characterized by a recovered/recycled content greater than 5% in the chapter 2.5.3. of D.M. 23/06/2022 (C.A.M.).


The CELERSYSTEM floor system by ILA LATERIZI represents the most complete proposal that the market can offer for such a particular and delicate structure as the ceiling. Formed by BIC blocks and joists in c.a.p. CELERSAP, represents the maximum synthesis of shape and characteristics of the components for excellent stability, resistance and stiffness of the floor made with them.

Floor Catalog Scianatico Laterizi

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