ALVEOLATER is brand relating to wall brick products which differ in the partitions offset from the traditional materials used for the same use. In fact, they are used for the construction of masonry of various thicknesses aimed at achieving the various required performances: from energy saving to thermal inertia, from acoustic insulation, to fire resistance, always with the aim of building sustainability.
The ALVEOLATER bricks produced by ScianaticoLaterizi are characterized by:
• baffles staggered in the direction of thermal flows and a greater number of rows of chambers compared to traditional perforated ones;
• complete absence of harmful substances as well as the emission of harmful gases. The larger formats may have one or two channels on the upper horizontal surface, suitable for creating a “thermal break” in the horizontal mortar joints. The raw material is extracted adjacent to the production plant.
interrupted joint
interrupted joint
The entire ALVEOLATER family is equipped with the “CE” marking (Category I, control system 2+) and is characterized by a recovered/recycled content greater than 15% in compliance with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (C.A.M.).
For the certification of the Fire Resistance Class of brick walls, the New Code of Fire Prevention provides the use of laboratory tests as wellas specific tables included in the Ministerial Decrees 16/02/2007- Attached “D”, the Ministerial Circular Int. N.1968 del 15/02/2008 and subsequent modifications and additions.
SCIANATICO LATERIZI has for some products in the family POROTON Eco, fire resistance certifications, the Extended Application Reports, which allow to be achieved the highest EI values.
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