Home / Products / Floor / CELERSYSTEM / BIC
The BIC brick slab blocks are lightening blocks of the interposed type which respond to:
> Mechanical Strength Class “R1“:
> Resistance to concentrated loads P ≥ 2.0 kN
> Longitudinal compressive strength R1k≥ 20 MPa
> Resistance to transversal loads R2k ≥ 7 MPa.
In particular:
1 The profile of their side walls, delimiting the ribs of conglomerate to be cast on site, has a conformation such as to favour the housing of any steel reinforcements as well as the introduction of concrete. All this considering the size of the parts of the joist which must be completely surrounded by the completion concrete (for the purposes of joining the various components together) and the size of the aggregates in the concrete. (ref. UNI EN 15037-1-Annex C)
2 The upper and lower walls have the necessary grooves to create solidity with the concrete of the upper slab and with the plaster on the intrados.
3 The dimensional characteristics (wall and septa thickness, drilling percentage, fittings) comply with the minimum requirements of the NTC/2018 (ref. point C. of the Application Circular).
4 The physical-mechanical characteristics simultaneously comply with the requirements of the Application Circular (C4.1.9.) and UNI EN 15037-3 (for the purposes of the “CE” Marking), and provide for a 2+ Control System.
5 The blocks allow compliance with the dimensional relationships between the various parts of the attic (slab thickness, width and distance between ribs, expansions, insertion of reinforcements) according to the provisions of point C. of the NTC/2018 Application Circular.
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